It may be hard to believe but reflexology can also help you lose weight. In fact, it is a nice way to do this and is very popular. They can use different pressure points on the feet to trigger a variety of responses in our bodies that are conducive to weight loss.

The following steps show how to lose weight complementing a weight loss program with reflexology, thus safely losing weight and achieving desired weight faster.


Foot reflex points that will help us lose weight

To lose weight using reflexology is necessary to find pressure points that correspond to the spleen and digestive organs. To achieve our goal we must work on these reflex points for at least five minutes every day.

  • Support the left foot with the right hand and use your left thumb to work the reflection of the spleen. (In the drawing is the green area that is located on the outer edge of the foot) Stimulation of the spleen reduces hunger.Reflexology for weight loss
  • Working the reflex points of the stomach and pancreas taking care of the left foot with the right hand and pushing each point with the left thumb. When you reach the outer limit of the area reflected, switch hands and work the reflex points in the opposite direction. Stimulation of these points allows the body to absorb more nutrients from the food you eat, so even though we are eating less food, we get the maximum nutritional value of what we are eating.Reflexology for weight loss_2
  • We must remember the work reflection point gallbladder because stores bile and digestive fluid secreted continuously by our liver. Bile emulsifies fats from partially digested food, leading to weight loss.Reflexology for weight loss_3


  • Excite the endocrine glands that promote the balanced secretion of hormones and regulate appetite. The endocrine glands are responsible for our stress response, so that by applying pressure on reflex points thyroid (at the base of the big toe), the pituitary gland (in the center of the bottom of the big toe ), and adrenal glands (between waist and diaphragm) help balance the emotional and physiological stress. The less stress we have, the easier we will continue with the diet.Reflexology for weight loss_4
  • Having good quality sleep each night working relaxation pointsReflexology for weight loss

– Working with the right thumb along the diaphragm line, from the inside to the outside edge of the right foot.
– While we do this, move your fingers back and forth helped by the left thumb.
– Slowly bring the right along the diaphragm line whenever the toes lean thumb.


Tips (Acupressure Points for Weight Loss)

  • The use of reflexology to lose weight should not completely replace other methods to do so; It should always be a compliment. It is desirable to maintain a diet and exercise program to help achieve our weight loss goals through reflexology.


  • If you’ve decided to use a professional reflexologist diet. You can complement applying yourself to reflexology sessions several times a week. Your reflexologist can help meet expectations with a plan to help you between sessions. This will vary depending on your weight loss goals, the condition of your body, your stress levels, and the amount of time they have been above the desired weight.
  • Weight loss is accelerating and is easier to maintain your ideal weight if you sleep at least seven hours each night.

Weight reduction through reflexology is a famous and pleasurable approach to shedding pounds.

It might be difficult to accept however reflexology can likewise assist you with getting more fit. Diverse weight focuses on your feet can be utilized to trigger an assortment of reactions inside your body that might be helpful for weight reduction

As per Chinese Medicine, the foot is, truth be told, a different body, which is legitimately identified with the entirety of our body parts and organs.

Your foot is isolated into a wide range of essential vitality segments, which can treat various territories of your body.

By rubbing a segment of the foot, the comparing body zone gets explicit remedial treatment. Thus, by invigorating one or a blend of territories, you will thusly be rubbing the comparing body muscles and organs.

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It’s imperative to drink a lot of warm water after the back rub, to help clean up poisonous substances in our bodies.

You can knead your feet without anyone else, or you can get a couple of pressure point massage thinning insoles, directly here, that will consequently invigorate the trigger focuses for helpful weight reduction both while strolling and standing.

These are the most significant focuses that cause you get in shape:

  • Incitement of the spleen decreases hunger
  • Energize the endocrine organs that advance adjusted discharge of hormones and direct craving
  • Bile emulsifies fats of in part processed nourishment, prompting weight reduction.

Weight reduction is quickening and it’s simpler to keep up your optimal weight on the off chance that you rest at any rate seven hours every night.

It is prudent to devise an eating routine and exercise program to assist you with accomplishing your weight reduction objectives through reflexology.

You can likewise counsel an ear reflexology outline to locate a similar reflex focuses that relates to your body’s frameworks that will assist you with getting in shape.

Utilizing reflexology to shed pounds shouldn’t be an all-out trade for other weight reduction activities; it ought to be utilized as a supplement to them.