Reflexology Basic Techniques

These are some of the fundamental techniques used in the treatments of Foot and Zonal Reflexology:

Basic heating movements

  • Turn the feet: Thumb in the solar plexus area and rotate the foot, with the other hand make medium pressure in the area of the solar plexus.

  • Tilt of the foot: Thumb in the area of the solar plexus and tilt the foot forward and backwards, medium pressure in the area of the solar plexus.
  • Rotation of the foot : Thumbs on both sides of the foot and fingers on the back, move the thumbs around the sole of the foot with circular friction.
  • Frictions: One hand in the dorsal area and the other in the dorsal area, making friction from the toes towards the instep and towards the heel or in opposite directions. Soft friction
  • Exploratory movements: With the thumb frictions are held very slowly, the finger is projected in any area looking for some reflex zone. The finger should not be separated while the scan lasts.

Any operation on the sole of the foot should be done very gently in the area of the solar plexus since this area reflects the nervous system. When working with a small foot or that of a child, work with the dorsal area of the finger. Always avoid rubbing or snapping fingernails in the feet area.


Possible reactions

1- Painless 2 – Soft pain 3- Severe pain.

There are times when only the finger rose can cause a hypersensitivity reaction. The typical pain of a reactive point or zone is usually of the pungent type only appreciable when pressed on it.

Sometimes you usually feel some pimples under your fingers, you must memorize the area.Then the exploratory movement finished working on them.

Sometimes it happens that these areas are very small go unnoticed, so we should not rely on a single exploration if not we should repeat this 2 to 3 times.
You should work in some areas with the index finger and little finger, areas such as the ear and the little finger of the foot.

  • Small stimuli: activate, favor and stimulate
  • Great stimuli: inhibit, restrict or stop the pain
  • Enormous stimuli: paralyze


When a pain occurs in the body such as kidney colic, gallbladder, acute otitis, headache or migraine, toothache, it should be relieved by pressing the affected area or area with energy.

Sometimes a few seconds of intense pressure is enough to reduce it considerably.

  1. Circular manipulation: Plantar technique. The tip of the fingers with which it works is usually used.  Soft circular massage (average pressure depends on the receiver).
  2. Vibratory manipulation in pincers and statics: The lateral zone and the Achilles heel and some dorsal part are used.
    Use index finger and thumb on the chosen area, consists of putting both fingers in the form of a pincer and cause a vibration that only comes from the fingers, This is without moving the fingers of the chosen area.
  3. Spiral manipulation with stretching: Stimulate the long currents. It is done with the right hand and the pulp of the fingers. They are ascending spiral movements in a clockwise direction and from the heel to the fingers.
    Traditionally it represents the gesture, the repeated rhythm of life at the same time as the cyclical rhythm of evolution.
  4. Stretching With a thumb and forefinger a stretch is made to all the toes of the foot then turn them sideways starting from the little finger towards the big toe.
  5. Plantar technique [reaction, friction, pressure] the three contact points are gently punctured, then the friction is performed moderately smooth with index finger and heart, the direction from the heel, but only the lateral zones. It is finalized by rubbing with the middle finger at the base of the plantar junction of each finger, (time 30s).
  6. Manipulation of lateral pinching (kembiki): Lateral muscles (index finger and thumb)
    NOTE: It is used preferably in feet of soft constitution.
  7. Handling by strong frictions specific to the heel.
    Strong friction in the heel area with the bottom of the palm of the hand, fingers extended right hand and with the left gently hold the foot, frictions are from left to right.
  8. Karate hit manipulation: Taking one foot with one hand, the other should be placed in karate punch position, but with fingers slightly apart to cushion the impact. When touching the foot the hand must bounce to cushion the impact.
  9. 3rd finger manipulation: This must be applied as a last technique. Fundamental objective: Finish and finish the treatment + Calm the reflex zone of the head.
    Use the thumb and middle finger of each hand holding the central joint of the third finger. Achieve a deep degree of relaxation and rest. The masseuse should be relaxed enough
    Using the thumb and middle finger of each hand holding the central joint of each toe should press very gently avoiding any other contact with the receiver’s feet.