Any side effects that you may feel from Reflexology are all beneficial as it’s your body’s way of healing itself following a treatment. We all react differently to the release of a high level of tension in our bodies.

Side Effects of Reflexology

Some people have experienced are a sense of euphoria and deep relaxation and an increased need to flush the system.

These are some common physical reactions to the body releasing toxins:

  • Increased urination as kidneys are stimulated
  • Flatulence and more frequent bowel movements
  • Aggravated skin conditions – perspiration and pimples
  • Improved skin tone and tissue texture due to improved circulation
  • Increased secretions of the mucous membranes in the nose, mouth and bronchioles
  • Dissiness or nausea
  • Feverishness
  • Generalized fatigue the next day for the elimination of toxins
  • Headahces
  • Restful Sleep
  • Depression – need to weep

What ever the reactions, it is all part of the healing process. It is suggested to drink room temperature water with juice of a lemon or apple cider vinegar to help accelerate the flushing of toxins.


Effects of Reflexology

The undesirable effects of foot reflexology, which can be extended to that of hands, we turn second to see the effects that can occur between treatments to eliminate contraindications, cases in which this therapy is not recommended.

Side effects or unwanted that may occur at any given time in the foot or manual Reflexology. Sometimes unwanted reactions may occur, which sometimes make it necessary to even abandon the massage.

With the harmless side effects of Foot Reflexology, an exaggerated general stimulation is related that can go as far as euphoria, which can even appear a few hours after treatment.

However, the effect is not lasting. Possibly has its explanation on the effect of massage on the nervous system, which is not limited locally, if not affected in its entirety. In particularly sensitive people, the reactions described occur.


It is not necessary to adopt special security measures against such reactions. If it is the case of a particularly sensitive person, in order to avoid sleep disorders, the treatment should always be carried out before 21:00, so that the excitement has already stopped before going to bed.

Negative Side Effects of Reflexology

The increased secretion of sweat, as a reaction to treatment, is not negative in principle. This indicates that the organism has responded to the treatment, serving to increase the elimination of toxins, which is necessary for the success of the treatment.



Instead of the production of sweat, which is partly accompanied by a sensation of heat, other people detect it from cold in certain parts of the body, or in the whole body. As long as you get well again right away, this reaction is not important.

Initially also cardiocirculatory reactions are harmless. In case of an altered cardiocirculatory system, Foot Reflexology can sometimes produce serious side effects. Therefore, in the case of the slightest pain in the heart or reflex zones, the massage is interrupted immediately.

Compared with other treatment methods, unwanted side effects during or after the Foot Reflexology appear relatively rarely. But precisely, we should not let them go unnoticed.

Many unwanted side effects of Foot Reflexology can be avoided from the beginning if the treatment is carried out correctly. It is also necessary that the patient is well relaxed before the initiation of treatment.

About the pains that may appear during the massage of a reflex zone. It must be understood as a sign that the correct reflex zone is being treated. As a rule, these cease rapidly in intensity or even disappear already during the first treatment.

Otherwise, initially the massage of the most painful areas is interrupted for a few minutes and other areas are still being treated. Then it is returned and now it will be observed that only slight pain already appears or now, then the massage can be continued in this place.

Reactions between treatments that may occur

After a treatment of Foot Reflexology, in some occasions negative reactions appear, which usually come to be considered as desirable, because it indicates to us that there has been a reaction, and this reaction can be a sign that the treatment has taken effect and in part will indicate the pattern to follow in the next treatment.


The therapist should warn the patient that he should warn of these reactions before the start of the next treatment. Typical and very common reactions are:

  • Changes in faeces and urine due to increased elimination of toxic and residual substances through the intestine and kidneys: Reflexology Stimulates strongly these “emuntorios” and produces an increase in flatulence and elimination of feces, (the most of the time smelly), as well as cloudy urine and strong odor.
  • There is also increased elimination through the skin, since it is one of the main “emuntorios” of the organism.
  • On the skin, when restoring blood circulation can appear: eczema, small droplets of pus, boils, etc. The sweat glands produce a greater amount of sweat, which because of the removal of more toxic substances and waste can be smelly.
  • In the vagina can also produce an increase in the amount of flow and acidity, which can cause irritation in adjacent areas.
  • In the nose, larynx and bronchi there may also be an increase in the secretion of mucus, similar to those that are felt in a common cold.
  • Sometimes, after the Foot Reflexology can increase the body temperature. The fever is the first defense of the body, it does not have to be considered as a disease value, but rather it is a positive reaction of the beginning of the cure.
  • Sometimes symptoms of chronic diseases (such as rheumatism) or outbreaks of inflammation (especially in the dental roots, tonsils and lateral nasal cavities) are manifested.
  • It can also produce psychic reactions since it acts within the cerebral psychic area and also here achieves healing reactions.
  • Sometimes feelings of general malaise, headaches and even some feeling of dizziness may appear. All these symptoms can be produced by too intensive treatment.

These reactions should normally be considered normal, which correspond to a temporary worsening of the general state, after the massage. Some of the reactions can be very unpleasant, but nevertheless, they are essential for the beginning of the recovery of health.

There must always be unpleasant reactions, there are also pleasant reactions. Many people realize after the Reflexology Foot that they become calmer and more relaxed, sleep better and their capacity of physical psychic performance is increasing ostensibly.

Sometimes sleep can be temporarily disrupted because of the effect of treatment, but this usually does not last long. The patient must be informed (very important aspect) of these negative manifestations so that he does not abandon the treatment.



There is no means of cure that is indicated for all physical problems of the human being, even sometimes any method of use as a treatment can be, in some cases, contraindicated or even prohibited.

This rule also counts for Foot Reflexology, for which, however, it should be noted that, if performed by a well-trained Natural Therapist, in a few cases there will be contraindications.


The Foot Reflexology is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. In all acute or chronic diseases, of which the therapist is not able to have a true knowledge of the diagnosis.
  2. In all chronic diseases, which are under the control of the professional of allopathic medicine.
  3. When digestion is taking place, it is convenient to wait at least 4 hours, if it could not be, (we must not act in the reflex zones of the Digestive Apparatus).
  4. In the period of menstruation in women, we must be careful not to act on the reflex zones of the Genital Apparatus.
  5. During pregnancy, (especially in the case of danger of miscarriages or premature) and in pregnant women who in the past have already suffered a miscarriage or premature delivery.
  6. In all diseases that occur with an elevated febrile state, severe pain, spasms, hemorrhages: in these cases, it should only be used for first aid (especially to relieve pain).
  7. In cancer patients, especially when there is a danger that attached tumors with metastases may be transmitted to other parts of the body.
  8. At the time of puberty, care must be taken not to act on the sexual glands, it is not convenient to create an excitement that may lead to an imbalance.
  9. In cases of diabetes, if insulin is injected, glucose control must be monitored (always under medical supervision).
  10. In cases of weak people, advanced age and patients who have just overcome a disease or serious surgical intervention.
  11. In case of fungus, wounds, sores, or any type of rash, we should be careful not to massage until it heals.
  12. In case of calluses, we will not press until they have been eliminated; the pressure on these areas are very painful, because the reflex zones are desensitized.
  13. In cases of fungal infections (athlete’s foot), sometimes accompanied by strong itching that begins mostly between the toes that can extend to the fingernails and other areas. They are harmful, the use of socks and shoes that encourage the secretion of sweat, and regular visits to popular pools and saunas.
  14. In infectious diseases with fever, it is necessary to differentiate the body temperature in mild pathologies (for example the flu) and in more serious pathologies with high fever. In the first case, it can be treated by means of foot reflexology, however, in serious pathologies the foot reflexology will not be indicated.