When the reflexology  can’t be applied?

As in any highly effective therapy, there are contraindications to reflexology. In this case, we have to distinguish between the absolute, understanding why you should not under any circumstances perform the therapy, and the relative in which, depending on the level of illness can be treated or not patient.

Absolute Reflexology contraindications

  • Acute inflammation of the circulatory or lymphatic system (for risk of triggering a thrombus)
  • Ischemic heart disease (angina pectoris, thrombosis, myocardial infarction, etc.)
  • Acute rheumatic fever
  • Diseases of the veins (phlebitis, varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, renal vein thrombosis)
  • Diseases of the vessels and lymph nodes (lymphomas, infections, etc.)
  • Aneurysms (for the risk involved the heart work at a more forced)
  • Pregnancies at risk of abortion
  • Persons with foreign bodies lodged near vital organs.
  • Injuries to the foot of such wounds, fractures, strains, sprains or other problems that make it hard to work directly on it.
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  • Sudeck disease (a type of dystrophy, if not painful it can work).
  • Gangrene (if medically controlled, it can work).- Infectious diseases of the skin (depending on its evolution and sensitivity can work with gloves).
  • Sick of psychosis (you can work when accompanied by a family member, it can not predict their reactions).
  • In pregnant women avoid the genital area and started from the third month.

A good specialist will inform you of all problems that can occur. and side effects are also very powerful with these treatments. Anyway, it is a technique that gives a lot of pleasure and often brings benefits to the patient in 95% of cases. Even patients with some of the above problems can improve with gentle treatment.