Foot reflexology is very effective in relieving any kind of pain, whatever its origin. When the correct areas of the foot, are treated with the proper pressure, the results are truly amazing.

Improves nervous flow to the area causing back pain, and in several sessions over a few weeks, in most cases, the pain will be gone.

Reflexology for Back Pain

reflexology back pain
Fig1. Foot reflex zones

Pressure Points for Lower Back Pain

In Figure 1 you can see how the upper half of the human body has its reflexes in the top of the soles, while the lower half of the body is reflected in the lower half of them.

Reflexology for back pain
Fig2: Reflexology for back pain

This means that if you experience pain in the lower back the reflexologist used a substantial part of the session in treating the bottom of the foot (heel and ankles). If you suffer from back pain at the top, the reflexologist will devote more time to the superior reflexes of the feet.


In Figure 2 it can be seen how the curve of the foot coincides with the spine. Blue indicates where the reflection area of the spine is.

Foot reflexology pain
Fig 3: Foot reflexology pain

Figure 3 shows one of the different techniques used to work in the reflection of the spine can be seen.

Reflexology lower back pain
Fig 4. Reflexology lower back pain

In Figure 4, the additional reflections to be worked when we suffer back pain are illustrated. The red area corresponds, among others, some of the major muscles of the back. You will notice that not all reflections are in the soles of the feet. Many of them can also be found at the top, and even in the lower leg.