Foot Pain on Top

Foot pain on top may be due to numerous different medical conditions and the specific cause can only be determined by carefully examining the location and type of pain.

Our feet are composed not only of bones and muscles but also of ligaments and tendons. These parts carry all our body weight throughout the day, so it is no surprise that foot pain is relatively common.

Sometimes, we feel pain above the foot that can be uncomfortable when walking and even standing. This pain can be mild or severe, depending on the cause and extent of any possible injury. So read on to know more about the pain in top of foot.

Top of Foot Pain – Causes

The most common causes are due to excessive use in activities such as: running, jumping or kicking. There may also be a pain in the foot without inflammation.

Conditions caused by excessive use include:

  • Excessive wear or tight shoes. Tendons that extend along the top of the foot and pull the foot up become inflamed and hurt.
  • Syndrome of the tarsal sinus: it is rare and characterized as a tarsal of the inflamed sinus, or the channel between the heel and the ankle bone. This condition causes pain in the upper part of the foot and outside the ankle.
  • Stress fractures of the bones in the feet: the pain may be due especially to fractures in the metatarsal bones, which are located in the upper part of the feet. This lesion will probably have swelling as a symptom.
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