We can heal ourselves. “Placebo effect”, doctors have witnessed, for more than 50 years that the mind can heal the body.

There is scientific evidence that you can heal yourself, whether you are struggling with a deadly disease, or have a “chronic” disease that Western medicine has not been able to cure, or you are fighting against those symptoms that are diminishing your quality of life , or you just hope to optimize your energy, vitality or longevity.

There is scientific evidence that we can cure ourselves

The data shows that the mind can believe in itself too. In clinical trials, called “the placebo effect.”

Patients treated with placebos feel much better. Patients have had warts that disappear, hair growth appears in bald men, bronchial tubes dilate, colon appears less inflamed, ulcers heal, and also other measurable physiological phenomena.

But we also know that the opposite is true, the mind is so powerful that it can think of itself and get sick, which the researchers call “nocebo effect” (worsening of the disease by the beliefs or thoughts of the patient). Patients have received injections with saline solution to them they were told that it is chemotherapy and as a result they vomit and lose their hair.


How is it that these things happen physiologically? In the book by Dr. Lissa Rankin called Mind Over Medicine, explains the science behind a thought or positive or negative emotion, the mind translates the spontaneous repair in the body. The result is that our body has been built in self-repair mechanisms that fix damaged proteins, DNA repair, correct hormonal imbalances, and gobble cancer cells, infectious agents and foreign bodies to which our body is exposed daily.

These mechanisms explain the spontaneous remissions that have been reported to the medical literature of apparently “incurable” diseases such as stage 4 cancer, HIV, hypothyroidism, diabetes and also head injuries caused by firearm without treatment. Patients often feel powerless to take advantage of these natural self-repair mechanisms.

In this book, Dr. Rankin teaches you a process of just 6 steps with a scientific basis that you can follow to optimize your body’s ability to turn its mechanisms of natural self-repair when the body gets sick. It also teaches you the tools to put into practice the power of your mind as a preventive medicine, and thus increase the likelihood of dying an “old” day instead of dying young as a result of deactivating the body’s ability to heal itself. itself.


What is it that deactivates the natural self-repair mechanisms that we have in our body? Stress everyone we know is bad for the body. Do we understand how this works? The data show that stress occurs in different ways, you can feel stress of feeling alone, stress for work, stress for money, family stress, material stress, stress for feeling blocked or spiritually disconnected.

Stress can bring you a series of physiological cascades that are associated with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the “fight or flight” response of the sympathetic nervous system. This is regardless of the reason why it is triggered. In other words we can say that if you are stressed by your marriage, by money, by your work, your body can not differentiate between the threat you perceive, such as impending bankruptcy, and a real threat, such as being chased by a wild animal.

But that is not all. The body can repair itself when the body is in a state of physiological rest. We can tell you that every time the body thinks it is time to flee from the wild animal that chases you or any threat that you perceive or think you are in, automatic self-repair goes off. After all, who cares about long-term maintenance, like killing unwanted cancer cells, if you’re about to be devoured by a wild animal? “The mind on Medicine: Scientific Evidence” you have the power to heal yourself.


Dr. Rankin not only says the scientific proof that you can heal yourself, it also gives you the advice you can make to use the power of your mind and thus optimize the natural self-repair mechanisms that we have in our body , and therefore the prevention of any disease does not occur randomly, but something that you can experience for yourself.