Reflexology is an alternative therapy that allows to exert therapeutic effect throughout the body, acting in a single region, such as the hands, feet and ears, which are areas where the organs and different regions of the body are represented.
According to the reflexology of the hands, the hands represent small versions of the body and in the presence of some disturbance in the organism, several reactions appear in the corresponding points in the hands.
This treatment consists in stimulating the points on the hands corresponding to the affected place, by inserting short and thin needles. However, the stimuli can also be performed with other utensils. Also learn how to do foot reflexology.
What is it for
Depending on the region of the hand that is stimulated, a different therapeutic effect may be achieved and may be used in situations of stress, anxiety, migraine, constipation, poor circulation or sleep disorders, for example. Ideally, this technique should be performed by a specialized professional, however, it can be performed by the person himself, following the step-by-step procedures:
- Gently but firmly press the tips of each finger on the right hand and gently pinch the sides of each finger and repeat on the left
- Firmly rub the sides of each finger on both hands
- Gently pull each finger on the right hand, loosening grip as it moves from base to tip, then move to left hand
- Hold the skin between the thumb and forefinger with the thumb and forefinger of the other hand, gently pulling away until the fingers come off the skin and repeat on the other hand
- Rest your free hand on the palm of your other hand, use your thumb gently and massage the back of your hand and then repeat on your left hand
- Hold the wrist in the left hand and gently massage the wrist with the left thumb. Repeat with the other hand
- Massage the palm with the left thumb and repeat on the other hand
- Gently press the center of the palm with the opposite thumb and take two slow, deep breaths. Repeat on the other hand.
This procedure is very helpful in helping the person to relax and alleviate some health problems related to the region being massaged, however, there are several ways to stimulate these regions, which can be done in a more targeted way by focusing on stimulation at specific points, represented on the map above.
Some examples of how to do this stimulation are:
Headache relief
To relieve the headache, simply press for 5 times and release each fingertip, repeating 3 times on each finger, both hands. This exercise should be done regularly in the morning and evening to prevent pain, and in seizures can be repeated several times.
Improved Digestion
To improve digestion, you can massage the region of the hand just below the index finger and middle finger, represented in the image “Stomach”. Then it can be repeated on the other hand.
Improved breathing and cough
To improve breathing and help reduce cough, massage the base of the thumb of both hands by rotating with the opposite hand around the thumb for about 20 minutes.
What are the benefits?
As with other complementary therapies, reflexology is believed to have benefits for the neurological, bone and muscular system, arms and shoulders, spine, pelvic region, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, digestive system, urinary system, reproductive system, and endocrine system.
Who should not resort to this therapy
Reflexology should not be practiced in people with unstable blood pressure, liver problems, recent surgery, cuts or sores on their hands, fractures, diabetes, epilepsy, infections, skin allergy problems, or people taking drugs or alcohol or medications.